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Position Statement on Bullying


Bullying is a form of harassment and is considered to be “personal harassment” as defined in the Skate Canada Membership Complaint Policy section 9. (c). Skate Canada’s complaint policies are contained in the Policies and Procedures section of the rule book available on the Members Only portion of the Skate Canada web site under Technical & Programs > Rules > 2013 Official Rule Book > Policies & Procedures > Bylaws.


Skate Canada strongly condemns bullying, will not tolerate bullying by any of its members and is committed to raising awareness of this issue and preventing and eliminating bullying behavior within Skate Canada. Skate Canada recognizes that bullying can have a serious adverse impact on personal dignity, self-esteem, confidence, personal safety, performance, enjoyment of skating and of life itself.

All Skate Canada members have the right to participate in a safe, supportive and caring environment free from harassment and they have the responsibility to contribute to the protection and maintenance of this environment.



Bullying is a form of personal harassment and includes physical or verbal abuse that occurs once or repeatedly and may involve an imbalance of power. Bullying is intended to hurt and humiliate the victim and may include:Insulting or derogatory remarks or gestures

  • Insulting or derogatory remarks or gestures
  • Rude or vulgar language or gestures
  • Shouting, yelling, swearing, name-calling
  • Persistent unwarranted criticism
  • Public ridicule
  • Verbal, written or physical threats and intimidation
  • Hitting, kicking, pushing or other types of forceful physical contact

Bullying may occur in-person or through electronic means including e-mail, texting and social media.



If a member has experienced bullying behavior, or has witnessed another member being bullied, the member may submit a complaint to the Complaint Review Officer at the Skate Canada national office as per the process in the Skate Canada Membership Complaints, Hearing and Investigation Procedures Policy.

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